The Government congratulated the Security Forces “for their excellent action in repressing terrorist groups”

The government of Javier Milei considered this afternoon that the incidents carried out by leftist and Peronist demonstrators in the vicinity of Congress during the treatment of the Law of Bases seek to “interrupt the session” in the Senate, and in this regard they indicated that they will not “give in” to that attempt. Then, through X’s official account, they said: “The Office of the President congratulates the Security Forces for their excellent action in repressing the terrorist groups that with sticks, stones and even grenades, tried to perpetrate a coup d’état, attacking the normal functioning of the Congress of the Argentine Nation.” In the midst of the debate on the Law of bases in Congress, leftist demonstrators and social movements experienced moments of tension on this day when the members of the federal forces repressed with the use of tear gas and affected, among others, five Kirchnerist deputies, who had to be assisted by emergency services. Union for the Homeland legislators Carlos Castagnetto, Leopoldo Moreau, Luis Basterra, Juan Manuel Pedrini and Eduardo Valdés were hospitalized after the incidents that occurred in the afternoon in front of Congress, while the Senate was discussing the Bases Law promoted by the government of Javier Milei.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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