Pettovello ruled out the possibility of a resignation: “I’m not going to give up”

After the scandal initiated by the withheld food and irregular hiring in the Ministry of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello appeared publicly to dispel rumors of resignation and to demonstrate her loyalty to the President of the Nation, Javier Milei.In dialogue with the youtuber, Matías Herrero, who organized a meeting that was convened by social networks to express his support for the official, He assured that “it is very difficult to move forward, but I am not going to give up. First because I came here to bank my friend, and I’m not going to leave my friend alone. And second, because I think that we will change Argentina together and remove the dirt… and I’m going to keep taking it out.” In addition, after the weeks full of accusations and the measures taken by Judge Sebastián Casanello in the case of the retention of food in sheds, he thanked the shows of support: “It is very difficult, because I was not realizing the calluses I was stepping on. I’ve made a lot of enemies.” In that sense, before the attentive gaze and listening of those present, she declared that “I am one of you. I put my feet in the mud and I’m not going to take them out, no matter what they do to me. I’m already inside and I’m not going to stop,” and that “the mafias are worse than I thought.” And, finally, he closed by highlighting that “there is the mafia of corrupt politicians, the prebendary businessmen whom I do not want to pay, the journalistic caste, which is of the worst kind”, and that “the work we are doing with the Human Capital team is impressive”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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