Milei, at the Peace Summit: “Argentina seeks to regain the leading place among nations”

As part of his participation in the Summit for Peace in Ukraine held in the city of Bürgenstock, Switzerland, Argentine President Javier Milei expressed his support for the country governed by Volodimir Zelensky in the war against Russia.After attending the G7 summit, where he held a meeting with Kristalina Georgieva -managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)-, the president gave a brief speech at the Peace Summit. “War, tragic by nature, can never be the answer to problems that must be solved in the political sphere,” he said in the first place. In this line, the Argentine president stressed his support for Ukraine on behalf of all Argentine citizens and added: “As defenders of the idea of freedom we repudiate any form of violence, whether between individuals, but in particular we repudiate war as an illegitimate mechanism to settle conflicts between nations.” Know that Argentina will always be committed to the defense of the ideas that made the West great,” he added. On the other hand, Milei spoke about his participation in the G7 summit and remarked that “it is part of the great turn we are taking as a country after decades of turning our backs on the world.” There is no economic prosperity without free trade, and there is no free trade without peace. Free trade is naturally peaceful, because as (Frederic) Bastiat said, ‘where trade enters, bullets do not enter,'” he emphasized in his speech, and then concluded with a message about the future of the country. There is a new Argentina that seeks to regain the leading place in the concert of nations that it once had and that it should never have abandoned. There is a new Argentina that embraces once again the ideas that years ago made it one of the most prosperous countries in the world and there is a new Argentina that also seeks to recover the leading place in the concert of nations that it once had and that it should never have abandoned,” he added. After listening to Milei’s speech, the Ukrainian president wrote a message on his social networks thanking him for his support and explained the main points of their meeting. I met with Argentina’s President @JMilei.We discussed the next steps in the implementation of the Peace Formula’s specific points. I am grateful to Argentina for recently joining the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children. We also talked about bilateral…— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) June 15, 2024 “We discussed the next steps in the implementation of the specific points of the Peace Formula. I am grateful for Argentina’s recent entry into the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children. We also talked about bilateral cooperation and exchange,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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