Michoacán Congress will award Ignacio Roque the 2024 Journalistic Merit Award – MonitorExpresso.com

Morelia, Michoacán. – Today, through an extraordinary session, the seventy-fifth legislature approved in an economic vote that the “Manuel Buendía” recognition for journalistic merit 2024 be awarded to citizen Ignacio Roque Madriz.  This proposal for an agreement by which Roque Madriz is chosen as the recipient of the “Manuel Buendía” decoration for his work as a journalist, was presented by the Political Coordination Board and the Social Communication Committee. This, as detailed by Deputy Ma. Guillermina Ríos, as secretary on duty, “will be delivered in the vicinity of the legislative branch on Friday, June 28 of this year by the president of the Board of Directors of the Congress of the state of Michoacán.”  With this event at hand, it was said important to notify Master Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, head of the Executive Branch of the State and Dr. Jorge Reséndiz García, president of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Council of the Judicial Power of the State “for their distinguished consideration” and assistance. Who is Ignacio Roque Madriz? According to information obtained through his Facebook profile, journalist Roque Madriz has worked for La Voz and Quadratín from Michoacán; he has been a correspondent for media such as El Universal, La Crónica and 24 horas with Jacobo Zabludovsky; he has been director of Enroque 2000 and Notimonarca.com; he has been head of information at La Gaceta del Pacífico and Diario Noticias; in addition, he was a reporter in El Tiempo de Apatzingán and La Tribuna Libre of the aforementioned municipality.  This is how just over 50 years of experience in the world of news dissemination have awarded him this medal that will apparently accompany the one he received last 2021, “AMIPAC 2021”. 

Original source in Spanish


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