The confrontation between Flor de la V and Fernanda Callejón: “I’ve seen you desperate”

María Fernanda Callejón had a confrontation today with Intruders and with Flor de la V, who argued with the interviewee about her case against Ricky Diotto, her ex-husband, whom she accused of gender violence. Before Callejón left by phone, they aired an interview where the actress referred to the complaint made and expressed: “Today I preserve my mental health,” and assured that the media are mistreating her. Given these statements, the production contacted her to come out to make her defense. It was there that Callejón angrily asked: “Take out ‘disclaimer’, it’s a talk'”. And he added: “I’m tired of them twisting what I say,” she said and referred to the cause: “The conflict with my ex was due to gender violence. I don’t want to play the media game, I want to say ‘furious’,” he said while Flor de la V tried to intervene in the talk and expose her point of view. But Callejón added: “I reported gender violence when I could. I am a victim, it is proven. Diotto is charged,” he clarified and emphasized: “In this country the victim becomes a victimizer, I don’t understand, for me it’s not a joke. There are many things that I cannot talk about because there is a fine,” he clarified. “Do you know what happens? If you are saying that a person you denounced and is accused of violence, because you have just confirmed it, and this magazine Caras who are your friends, invite him to the party. Do you tell me that everything is fine? Does that seem ethical to you? And you come to question what we do on my program…”, Flor said angrily. “It is unethical to invite the guy you denounced and is accused and put him at the same party as you. That seems to me to be unethical,” Closed. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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