The Spanish Government warns Javier Milei before his visit: “Maintain respect”

The Spanish government on Tuesday asked Argentine President Javier Milei for “respect” in his new visit to Spain on Friday to receive an award, after some statements by him during his previous stay led to a diplomatic crisis. When asked about a new visit by Milei to Spain, spokeswoman Pilar Alegría responded: “We do not know the agenda of the President of Argentina. What we can tell you is that, if that trip takes place, we hope that in your statements, if there are any, you will maintain respect for the institutions and the Spanish people”. Javier Milei will be present in Madrid to receive the award from the Juan de Mariana Institute “for his defense of the ideas of freedom”, and it will be the first time he visits Spain after the conflict he had with his counterpart, Pedro Sánchez.In the last few hours, the libertarian president stirred up the waters again with new statements against Pedro Sánchez and his government: In a message to the social network X (formerly Twitter), the head of state expressed solidarity with a journalist who “is being persecuted” for denouncing corruption in the PP administration.”My solidarity with the Spanish journalist @vitoquiles, who is being persecuted by the government of Pedro Sánchez after reporting that one of his ministers used an official car to go to a Taylor Swift recital,” the president wrote on the social network X.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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