The exhibition Kaleidoscope of Serbia Kilim by Pirot – arrives in Morelia

Morelia, Mich.- Within the facilities of the UNAM Cultural Center, the inauguration of the exhibition “Kaleidoscope of Serbia: Kilim of Pirot” was held, which arrives in Morelia with the alliance of the Ministry of Culture, the City Council of Morelia and the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Mexico. The event was attended by the ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Mexico, Exma. Tatiana Conic; on behalf of the Ministry of Culture of Morelia, Dr. Fátima Chávez Alcaraz and the Coordinator of the UNAM Cultural Center, Mr. Luis Felipe Rodríguez.Within the cultural programs in the city, an exhibition is being held that is presented for the second time in Mexico and for the first time in the city of Morelia. This exhibition is the Kilim of Pirot, a significant and characteristic object of Serbia and especially in the Pirot that will be on the Fray Antonio de San Miguel road for three months. A kilim is an oriental rug with vibrant colors and a very deep cultural significance. The word comes from the Turkish kilim, which in turn comes from the Persian word gilim or gelim meaning softly woven blankets. This garment was commonly used to cover horses in the saddle and changed over time until it became what it is today.
The kilim has been recognized as an intangible heritage since 2012 and as a visual symbol of the city of Pirot and, over time, a symbol of Serbia protected since 2002. Tatiana Conic presents this work by Dr. Milicia Zivadinovic, sharing this exhibition as part of the culture of the Republic of Serbia that tells the story on the carpet that becomes a symbol for Serbia. These are part of some links that are being created between both places and that will continue with cultural exhibition programs and that will continue with the exhibition of medieval monasteries in Serbia in October as well as participation in the Morelia Book Fair. Fatima Chavez Alcaraz, representing Alfonso Martinez, thanked the presence of the Ambassador of Serbia “This event celebrates the deep cultural relationship that exists between Serbia and Mexico,” she said. This is an event that has arisen from a project with the Prado Museum that consists of bringing exhibitions to the streets in addition to what can be seen in the museums of Morelia.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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