An advisor to Verónica Magario was killed with a shot to the chest in an attempted robbery

An adviser to Verónica Magario, vice-governor of Buenos Aires, was killed by a shot to the chest after resisting a robbery in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Boedo.
The event occurred on Thursday night when Carlos Fernández, 63, was on the corner of San Juan and Castro Avenue, in the aforementioned neighborhood, and was intercepted by criminals.
The first information indicates that two thieves tried to steal his car and, when they failed, shot him in the chest and escaped. The man was transferred to the Ramos Mejía Hospital, where he finally died. A witness to the event described how the criminals were dressed: “One was wearing a brown jacket and the other was wearing a black vest.”
“I was coming from the supermarket on San Juan and in Castro I heard a shot. When I look up I see two boys, between 20 and 30 years old, crossing the avenue in full traffic,” the man continued. A policeman also heard and approached. He began to call the patrol cars and I would go home just in case. It was before the National Team match,” said the witness. Regarding how the thieves handled themselves, the man said: “They had their faces uncovered. There are two cameras on this block.” Finally, when asked if the neighborhood is unsafe, he stressed that there are cell phone snatches and that they have a police officer on San Juan Avenue.
Police sources confirmed that, at the time of the crime, the victim was together with a friend, from whom a statement has already been taken. He intervened in the personal act of the Neighborhood Police Station 5 B and the case is being investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office No. 56, in charge of Dr. Orfila.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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