Pullaro asked the Government to accompany the infrastructure works in Santa Fe

Days after his speech on Flag Day, the governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, called for new infrastructure works for the province and asked the national government to accompany its development. Before the president’s speech in Rosario, Pullaro stressed his position on the disagreements over public funds for the provinces and sent a direct message to the president, reaffirming the needs in terms of infrastructure. It did not take more than two days for the governor to express himself again, this time, through radio statements. In dialogue with Radio Mitre, Pullaron said that “our proposal had to do with a look at the productive interior, the countryside, industry, commerce and ports, which need works to be able to develop, take out and deploy all that potential that exists in Santa Fe.” Obviously we hope that there will be an accompaniment from the National Government for that, but not particularly by the province, but by the Argentine Republic,” he remarked then. Then, the governor pointed out the result of the harvest and the prices expected by producers. “The harvest went quite well, but until the prices that producers are waiting for, which have to do with the international price of commodities, and also with the exchange rate, are not there, they will be liquidated very little by little,” he said. If the exchange rate is modified, it is likely or possible that there will be more liquidation, but that would bring a lot of difficulties to the economy. From the countryside, of course they want this type of change to be modified, which was clearly delayed,” Pullaro added.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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