Kicillof criticized Milei and rejected the May Pact: “It’s a marketing photo”

In the usual press conference, where he announced increases in food plans, transport fares and cultural programs, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, once again distanced himself from the policies of the National Government presided over by Javier Milei.De this way, together with the Minister of Government, Carlos Bianco; his counterpart of transportation, Jorge D’Onofrio, and the president of the Cultural Institute of the Province, Florencia Saintout, explained that the measures were taken with the aim of compensating “the desertion of the Nation” in attendance at the PBA. In addition, he again rejected the agreement that the president proposes to sign: “The May Pact, which is now not from May… they had suggested July 4 as a date, I don’t know if it is firm because we come from a process of announcements and setbacks,” and added that “it is becoming less and less clear what it is, what it is for… If it’s a marketing photo from the government to fake support that it doesn’t have, don’t count on me.” If it could be discussed what points are relevant for an agreement or a sharing, then I do have contributions to make. But here it seems to be a contract of adhesion that one is obliged to sign without discussing anything. This is neither a pact nor is it from May… The first thing it deserves is a change of name and then a discussion of its content and its results,” he continued. Then, he pointed out against the Investment Regime for Large Investments (RIGI), which is one of the most important points of the Bases Law, a reform promoted by the libertarian administration and approved by Congress: “At the moment it does not exist and, if it is law, I have already made my negative position known,” and went on to state that there are cases in which “there was already a huge investment defined, but now they are delayed because the RIGI would give him many more pension benefits.” (Investors) They expect the benefits of this regime that we have already described as exorbitant. There are points of the RIGI, for example the extension of jurisdiction, by which any difference or dispute is discussed in foreign courts… In general, there are rulings against Argentina,” he said. And he concluded by lowering the tone of the crossings between leaders of Peronism and Kirchnerism: “We work intensely within Peronism, of the coalition of what was Union for the Homeland (UxP), to agree on the different points of the current situation. We have given very powerful signs of unity in the national congress. The differences? The intention is to achieve a strong unity based on common points.”

Original source in Spanish


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