Assistance and social reintegration centers, with full respect for human rights: 75 Legislature –

Morelia, Michoacán. – In order to guarantee that human rights are respected in orphanages, asylums, hospices, institutions, care agencies, psychiatric hospitals and social reintegration spaces, the 75th State Legislature approved modifications to the current regulation so that these establishments are visited and periodically reviewed, according to a statement. It will be the State Human Rights Commission (CEDH) that will carry out the reviews every six months of these spaces. Likewise, the establishments intended for preventive detention, internment or social reintegration of the entity must be visited on a quarterly basis. In an extraordinary session, the Plenary of the 75th Legislature approved various reforms and modifications to the Law of the State Human Rights Commission, in order to guarantee respect for the individual guarantees of those who are in the aforementioned establishments. The aim is to monitor respect for the fundamental and human rights of persons in orphanages, asylums, hospices, institutions and welfare agencies or psychiatric hospitals, as well as those who are deprived of their liberty in establishments intended for preventive detention, internment or social reintegration located in the state. These reforms also require those who carry out these visits to submit a report to the president of the CEDH, within seventy-two hours of each visit. Another fundamental aspect stipulated in this initiative is that public servants who hold a job, position or commission in the Public Administration of the State or Municipality, will provide the facilities required for the fulfillment of the inspection visit. With the approval of this reform, the 75th Legislature of Michoacán, once again ratifies its commitment and work to guarantee the unrestricted respect for their fundamental and human rights.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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