Government of Michoacán and APEAM will guarantee avocado packaging exports –

Morelia, Michoacán.- Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla and the Association of Avocado Producers and Packers Exporters of Mexico (APEAM) traced the route to implement the security protocol for USDA-Aphis inspectors in charge of reviewing avocado packaging for export, as reported in a statement. In a meeting after the visit of the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, the president reported that this measure was requested by the diplomat himself so that the Auxiliary Police of the state would be the one to accompany the inspectors on duty. He explained that the Government of Michoacán is ready for elements of that corporation to be assigned immediately, equipped with tools and units to fully comply with their work in the municipalities. He stressed that the Auxiliary Police has 1,700 trained and accredited personnel to perform security functions, which he considered sufficient to protect the activities of USDA-Aphis workers.

Original source in Spanish


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