The Church’s forceful claim for Loan’s disappearance: “The alerts are not activated in time”

More than 10 days after the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña, a five-year-old boy, in Corrientes and the different rumors that have emerged, the Church has warned that human trafficking “is a reality that lacerates the social fabric of our country” and that “it is not sufficiently recognized” by the State and society. This lack of recognition, according to the Church, leads to the fact that in the face of an alleged case “alerts and procedures are not activated in time, hindering its clarification.” The Commission for Migrants and Itinerant People of the Episcopal Conference and the Area of Human Trafficking of the Confederation of Religious of the NEA issued a statement in which they express their “great concern for the disappearance of Loan Peña from Thursday, June 13 to date in the province of Corrientes” and express solidarity with his family. praying for its soon finding. In the statement, particular pain is expressed “for being a defenseless child and for the circumstances that he may be suffering,” and points out that “several conjectures were made and the eventual possibility that he may be another victim of the so-called human trafficking is gaining strength.” The warning stresses that human trafficking “is a reality that lacerates the social fabric of our country and that is often not sufficiently recognized by society itself and by those responsible for watching over the lives of its inhabitants.” In addition, they regret that “similar events continue to be repeated without alerts and procedures being activated in time, hindering their clarification” and repudiate “the disappearances, the violence, the complicities.” Finally, he urged “justice officials, the government at its different levels, the security forces and all citizens” to commit themselves to the search for justice and concludes with a reference to Pope Francis: “It is possible to combat trafficking, but it is necessary to get to the root of the phenomenon, eradicating the causes. If we close our eyes and ears, if we remain inert, we will be accomplices.”

Original source in Spanish


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