It’s time to make a good government in Tiquicheo: Memo Valencia –

Morelia, Michoacán.- In Tiquicheo, it is time to make a good government for all the inhabitants, said Memo Valencia, president of the PRI Michoacán, after accompanying Mario Reyes Tavera to receive his Certificate of Majority as elected municipal president, after the computation and validation of the election of June 2, as reported in a statementThe state leader indicated that the work is just beginning and endorsed the commitment of the party of not to leave the PRI members of this municipality alone, nor the mayor-elect, who was given legal support at all times; he also thanked the president of the Municipal Committee of the PRI, Saúl Serrano Jaimes, for his work in this electoral process. This struggle is just beginning, now Mario has to make a good government so that the people of Tiquicheo who voted for him know that they were not wrong and in the one that continues we are going to win even more by a difference, so let’s give them that there is a lot to do,” he said. In a special way, the president of the PRI Michoacán, Memo Valencia, thanked the tricolor militancy that did not abandon the struggle for the triumph of Mario Reyes to be recognized, who also protected the Local Council of the IEM in Tiquicheo and avoided the interference of external factors that could snatch the election from those who legitimately won it. I really want to recognize you, Mario is the visible face that the effort of all of you, you have not left him alone, it is very true what he says, the most important thing is to take care of our dignity, it is a struggle for dignity, not even for an issue of a popularly elected position, it was dignity that was threatened. They never left Mario alone, they never left his party alone,” he said. For his part, the mayor-elect, Mario Reyes Tavera, mentioned that the will of those who voted for him prevailed and he said he was happy, but with a great commitment to work and carry out projects for each and every one of the inhabitants of Tiquicheo, without partisan distinctions, or colors, or grudges. The people, the will prevailed, it was not possible for them to take away something that belonged to us. Here is the proof that the will of the people won,” he said. According to the official count of the local electoral authority, Mario Reyes Tavera, obtained 2,550 votes with the alliance of the PRI and the PAN, of which 2,400 votes were contributed only by the PRI.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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