Bullrich confirmed that they will reanalyze the expertise in the search for Loan

After having met with the federal judge of Goya, Cristina Pozzer Penzo, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, mentioned the existence of “a blind spot” in the case of the disappearance of the minor Loan Danilo Peña. He also explained that the expert reports of the case will be analyzed again. Through an interview with TN, he pointed out that “we were talking with the provincial prosecutors who have a blind spot, there is a moment in which a part of the family leaves the house to an orange grove, nearby, and from there there is an absolute loss of reason,” and added that “there is a moment in which that happens. There is no indication that shows that moment. The situation has to be looked at in great detail. We have to see who extracted it, how, at what time. It is a moment when all traces are lost.” In this sense, he revealed that the jurisdiction of the case is in process, but stressed that “the highly specialized teams of the federal forces in a unified command in charge of a commissioner expert in the search for people.” He also stated that “the expert reports are going to be reconfirmed, they are going to be looked at again. They are going to be thoroughly analyzed again,” and that “there is a moment to reconstruct and work in depth to find out what the operation to extract that boy could have been like. No screaming, no crying, no engine noise.” In relation to the exchange with Judge Pozzer Penzo, he said that the raking should continue in the surrounding areas and ruled out that he has been taken to Paraguay. “Loan was walking with relatives and then got lost. No one could think that there was someone there who took him. It is a very lonely area. The first hypothesis of the prosecutors was that of raking and searching. That search will continue,” he said. And, finally, he criticized the provincial justice for the extension of times because “the Ministry of Security of the Nation found out through the media” of the case.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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