Government of Michoacán built cafeteria and multiple building at CU: SCOP –

Morelia, Michoacán. – With an investment of 2.5 million pesos, the Ministry of Communications and Public Works (SCOP) built a cafeteria and the Multi-Des building in Ciudad Universitaria of the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH) for the benefit of more than 40 thousand students, according to a statement. For the cafeteria of 150 square meters, a little more than half a million pesos were allocated and for the expansion of the Multi-DES building, of 116 square meters and which will serve as facilities for several faculties, about 2 million pesos were invested. Both resources are from the Multiple Contributions Fund (FAM). The cafeteria consists of three service modules, restrooms, a diner area for 75 people, a roof of tubular profiles and sheeting; while the Multi-DES building is enabled and equipped to be used in the teaching of classes of at least nine careers through extensive facilities. Through these actions, the government of Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla honors the commitment to strengthen the Casa de Hidalgo, where so far in the administration more than 188 million pesos have been invested for various infrastructure works.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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