New Species of Horned Dinosaur Discovered in Montana –

World. Scientists have identified a new species of dinosaur, Lokiceratops rangiformis, from fossils found in the Judith River Formation in northern Montana. This dinosaur, which lived more than 78 million years ago, stands out for its enormous horns in the shape of blades, hence its name that means “Loki’s horned face that looks like a caribou”. The discovery, published in the journal PeerJ, was led by the Utah Museum of Natural History. Lokiceratops is one of the largest and most ornate horned herbivores found, measuring 6.7 meters long and weighing around 5 tons. Scientists believe that the ornaments on the skulls of these dinosaurs served to attract mates and scare away rivals. Lokiceratops inhabited the swamps and floodplains of Laramidia, an ancient island continent that today corresponds to the western part of North America.The study suggests that horned dinosaurs underwent rapid evolution in small geographic areas, indicating underestimated diversity. The researchers highlight that more species of centrosaurines are discovered every year, showing the rich biodiversity of Laramidia’s ecosystems.

Original source in Spanish


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