Loan case: Bullrich assured that there is still no confirmed data

In a dialogue with the media that took place on July 9, at the home of the grandmother of Loan Peña, the five-year-old boy who has been missing for 17 days, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, spoke to the media about the ongoing investigation and denied the versions of the finding. In a drastic turn in the case, when the hypotheses led to closed roads without much evidence to support them, Loan’s aunt broke the silence last Friday and testified before the authorities, outlining a version of events that denied the theories considered until then. This Sunday, the movement of different authorities in the house of grandmother Catalina caught the attention of the media, which began to speculate about the possible veracity of Laudelina’s version. In view of the different hypotheses that circulated, Bullrich spoke with the press present there to shed light on the current judicial situation. As Minister of Security, together with the Undersecretary of Investigations and the person in charge of the search for people and the entire team, we have been looking at all the areas to analyze each of the details and the working hypotheses with which the prosecutor’s office is working and then raise it to the judge,” she explained in the first instance about her presence at the home. In that sense, he added that “we were with the prosecutor, with the judge, in the house where the lunch took place, with Loan’s grandmother, in the orange grove, we toured each place; Today the reality is that the justice system is reassembling a series of evidence, they are opening phones that had not been opened, they are working on the cars that have to be examined again, they are working on a rake according to a work on where the antennas impacted.” When asked by journalists, the Minister of National Security denied the versions about Loan’s discovery. “At this time we do not have data from Loan, we have hypothesis and clue construction, but we do not have data. There was a first investigation that had a derivation, and a second investigation that began a few days ago and is reviewing the proceedings, from there it will be possible to generate the main hypothesis,” he clarified.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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