Pleasure during menstruation helps reduce period pains

One of the symptoms that women suffer the most while going through their periods is menstrual cramps. On many occasions, its intensity can alter their routines and affect them in such a way that they need to stay in bed to recover or resort to remedies to calm them. One of the ways that can help deal with these discomforts, in turn, is one of the least talked about and involves sexual pleasure. After a report by Essity, experts reported that reaching orgasm can help women calm the cramps suffered while going through their menstrual periods due to the release of hormones and neurotransmitters that are produced during this act and that has an analgesic effect on the body. “When the body feels pleasure, hormones and neurotransmitters are released, such as oxytocin and dopamine, and it is proven by various medical studies that help to soothe different pains, including menstrual pain,” explains Dr. Juan Manuel Serini, a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics. However, there are still a large number of stigmatizing social barriers linked to menstruation that prevent women from going through these days in a harmonious way. In this sense, the link between period and pleasure still persists as a great taboo. In fact, according to the Global V Taboo Tracker, a survey conducted by leading health and hygiene company Essity, a large number of women (54%) still believe that you should not have sex during your period because it is unhygienic or even unpleasant (45%). In turn, the results also reflect the negative opinion that the same women have about others who have sex during their menstruation. In fact, 1 in 3 describe them as “promiscuous”, an adjective with which a huge number of men also agree. “Historically, the female period was associated with different negative aspects and, among the myths that surround it, there is the belief that it is not convenient to have sex during those days,” Serini stresses and adds: “in any case, today we know that sex is not only possible during menstruation, but that many women enjoy and find healthy benefits in this practice.” Debunking mythsIn this regard, the specialist highlights the need for an in-depth debate that allows women to positively address their menstrual period: “It is necessary to debunk some myths linked to pleasure during menstruation because there are many women who enjoy and find healthy benefits in reaching orgasm, and the reduction of menstrual pain is one of them.” Likewise, the study highlights the lack of communication that exists even within couples because only 2 out of 5 women dare to talk about menstruation and only one in 5 admits that at some point they felt that they should have apologized for the appearance or smell of their intimate area during these days. In addition, it indicates that 71% of women feel that they should feel comfortable talking about how painful their period is, but 51% say that menstrual pain is something they have to deal with.
Although the data from the study show that there are still many barriers that must be broken down to achieve more inclusive societies, Argentina stands out as one of the most receptive countries for women to speak openly about this issue with a positive reception of 75 percent. In response to the need to change the perception and stigmas associated with menstruation and sexual pleasure, Nosotras presented the “Pain X Pleasure” campaign in Argentina. This initiative seeks to promote freedom, security and confidence in menstruating people. As part of this proposal, a podcast was launched where taboos related to topics such as menstruation, female pleasure, body image, sports and motherhood will be discussed, with the opinion of renowned medical professionals and sexologists.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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