Electronic prescription: its mandatory use begins to apply

The electronic prescription is a fact, as of this Monday, June 1, the implementation began, which includes a period of 180 days for the registration of digital platforms, where paper prescriptions can continue to be used. The Electronic Prescriptions Law, provided through Decree 345/2024, establishes a change in the modality of prescriptions – for medicines, study orders and practices indicated by health professionals – which were traditionally made on paper will begin to be made through digital platforms. The Ministry of Health, led by Mario Russo, created the National Registry of Digital Health Platforms (ReNaPDiS) to unify the registry of all existing platforms. In addition, the Ministry of Health of the Nation will begin this week with a training plan with the different jurisdictions to advance in the adaptation and registration of digital platforms, professionals and prescription books. Transition period During this process of digitization of information, professionals who do not have electronic prescriptions will be able to make paper prescriptions and with them people will be able to obtain their medicines in a pharmacy as before. Once all the platforms are registered, this modality will remain as an exception condition in areas that are difficult to access or without connectivity. Pharmacies will continue to accept prescriptions issued on paper as well as those made through enabled platforms or in the process of being adapted. Regarding the provinces that adhered to the new system, sources from the ministry pointed out in dialogue with Filo.news that “it is not necessary for the provinces to adhere by Provincial Law”, but that at this point, the important thing is the adhesion of the platforms to the ReNaPDiS. “There are 8 provinces that have a law and another 11 have it expressed with other documents,” they specified. The ministers of Health of all the provinces participated last Monday in the instructive meeting and now continue to do so every Wednesday during the talks. “Last Wednesday, those from 18 jurisdictions participated,” they specified. The implementation period begins today so we will be reviewing the adhesion of all jurisdictions starting tomorrow,” they added from the health portfolio.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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