The President assured that “an effort is being made to find Loan at whatever he gives”

President Javier Milei referred to the disappearance of the child Loan Peña in Corrientes, assuring that the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, “provided assistance as far as they left her” in the case. During an interview with TN, the president indicated that currently “the number of hypotheses has been expanded and work is being done on all of them” within the investigation that is being carried out in the province of Corrientes. He also warned that in this type of case there is usually “a lot of political miserability,” accusing Kirchnerism of “making use and abuse” of the situation. He stressed in that line that foisting the disappearance of Loan on his policies is “a lie and miserable.” Patricia worked as far as they left her, now the hypotheses have been expanded and they are working on all of them,” he said. In addition, he insisted that “the street is in order because the one who makes them pays for them,” stressing that this is one of the mandates of his government. Returning to the case of the child who disappeared almost 20 days ago on July 9, the president clarified that when the authorities were called, Bullrich and his team provided assistance, but “it is not that they allowed the federal forces to actively participate in the process.” “Even so, at no time was his shoulder taken off and when, to get the problem off his back, he went to the federal level, he goes and confronts himself,” he added. The latest news of the investigationThis weekend, the statement of the boy’s aunt, Laudelina Peña, opened a new line of investigation: the woman said that Loan was run over by María Victoria Caillava and Carlos Pérez, the members of the couple who are detained, and that they then buried his body in the bush. After his statement, prosecutors requested his arrest, but federal judge Cristina Pozzer Penzo rejected it. Subsequently, neighbors of 9 de Julio discovered that Laudelina was staying in a hotel in the area and went to protest in front of this place, where serious incidents occurred, forcing the Police to surround the area and transfer the woman.

Original source in Spanish


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