Avon Foundation: relaunches Breast Cancer information manual with information for the TTNB community

Every June 28, the International LGBTIQ+ Pride Day is commemorated around the world. On this date, the aim is to put on the table the barriers that the community still faces today, to make visible the various identities and orientations and their specific problems, and to claim rights, in addition to valuing those achieved. Although almost twelve years after the enactment of Law 26,743, the Gender Identity Law in Argentina, progress has been made in terms of inclusion, there is still a clear inequality of access in terms of health, work, education, among others. Access to health has historically been limited by the mistreatment, violence and discrimination suffered by trans, transvestite and non-binary people in the various health institutions and providers, which adds to the lack of information and clinical research on their bodies. A 2022 article issued by the Argentine Journal of Public Health identified that among trans people who did not make health consultations, 24.2% cited reasons such as discrimination in the health system, ignorance of their rights by social works and the lack of a gender perspective in the health system. The lack of dignified treatment in health centers is also one of the reasons why the life expectancy of trans, transvestite and non-binary people in Latin America is between 35 and 45 years on average, since they usually attend medical check-ups only when the diseases are very advanced. Although receiving respectful treatment in accordance with one’s self-perceived gender identity is a right in force in Argentina since the enactment of the Law, there is still unequal access, which makes the tasks of awareness and education on rights extremely important. One of the tools we have to reduce this gap still in force in the health system is to have clear, accessible information with a gender perspective. It is under this premise that this June 28, Avon Foundation, within the framework of its Avon Promise to beat Breast Cancer, together with the Argentine Association of Clinical Oncology (AAOC) and with the support of Bristol Myers Squibb, relaunches the Breast Cancer information manual, with specific information on breast health care for the Trans and Non-Binary Transvestite collective. Through our promise, we provide useful information and debunk myths to take care of breast health, because we understand that accessing care for the early detection of breast cancer should not be a privilege. We know that there is still much to do, but this manual is one more step towards more equal access because information and health are rights for all people,” concluded Ana Inés Alvarez, Executive Director of the Avon Foundation.Those organizations and individuals interested in carrying out joint dissemination activities of the informative manual can write to @fundacionavonargentina’s social networks. The Breast Cancer information manual can be accessed at this link.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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