The Supreme Court upheld the life sentence against Nahir Galarza

The Supreme Court of Justice upheld the conviction against Nahir Galarza for the murder of her boyfriend Fernando Pastorizzo on December 30, 2017 after rejecting the extraordinary federal appeal filed by her defense to insist on her innocence. The resolution was signed by judges Ricardo Lorenzetti, Juan Carlos Maqueda and Horacio Rosatti, who stated: “It was proven that Galarza and Pastorizzo were riding a moped driven by the young man, when the young woman took out a 9mm caliber pistol-type firearm from among her clothes and shot Pastorizzo in the back, causing the victim to fall to the ground and, in that position, and already in front, he fired a second shot with clear intentions of undermining Pastorizzo’s life because these bullets had an entry and exit hole, producing a right bronchopulmonary injury, causing his death moments later.” You may also be interested in: “Nahir Galarza speaks for a documentary and returns to the theory against her father”. It was the last opportunity they had as a defense to prevent the convicted woman from having to serve the maximum sentence for murdering her partner in Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos. Nahir was sentenced to life imprisonment for homicide, aggravated by the circumstance of having maintained a stable relationship. The Justice established that the young woman shot Pastorizo in the back with her police father’s 9mm pistol.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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