Lobel presents his EP Almagro Studio Session at La Trastienda: the magic of returning to Buenos Aires

“It’s time to go back to my city and remember where I come from,” sings Lobel, who returned to Argentina to perform his first Trastienda this Wednesday, July 3 and present his EP Almagro Studio Session. It is the solo project of the Argentine musician, composer and producer Facundo Bugallo, who after beginning his journey on the Peruvian scene, returns to Buenos Aires to meet his audience again. Verano en Buenos Aires, a song composed by Almagro Studio Session, tells a little about what the first return to the country meant for Facundo after moving to Peru just before the pandemic and after the separation of Conexionistas. Filo.news spoke exclusively with the musician before his time at La Trastienda.The landing in Peru and the launch of Lobel”For many reasons. The truth is that there were many things that led there. First it was because of personal separations, I had separated from Connectionists and from a relationship. Very strong bonds had been broken, so having certain broken structures, those that I considered indestructible, I had to start again, as a soloist,” Facundo recalled and added that far from exasperating him, it moved him. The outcome to Peru was after a tour he had with Conexionistas, which by that time had already separated and he decided to face it as a soloist. “I decided to stay and develop from there. We also stayed at a strategic level, it was good because Peru, having such a small scene, was easier to enter, at least in the musical circle, not in the audience because that is another song,” he explained about his arrival in the Latin American country. Facundo recognizes himself as an eternal soloist, in fact, that was what excited him to start from scratch. He considers that, despite having been part of a band, he always had a “soloist mentality for music”. “When I started with Connectionists I was very young, then over time, you look in perspective and you realize that when you were younger you had arguments about things that are really irrelevant, nothing more and nothing less than ego insecurities, which is in a process of construction, so to speak. So, I always was, and I think this was part of what was corroborated by the band’s breakup, a bit of a tyrant with the composition of the songs,” he acknowledged with a laugh. Today he left behind the “tyranny” of composition and of wanting all the arrangements at his own time. Piacere, even downplayed their importance: “After that no one notices”.The goodbye of Conexionistas”I always felt that I was clear about my musical ideas and where I wanted to take them. It seemed to me the most reasonable thing to do, with all sincerity, to say better I do it myself and that’s it, I stop fighting with my friends and my brothers, who today are my friends. I think that in the end what led to the separation was a little bit of everything,” he explained about the separation of Conexionistas. Currently, Facundo feels that Socrates’ phrase “I only know that I know nothing” is valid. “Every time I have things less clear with life,” she said with a laugh. I think it’s better to understand that we actually know little and that we’re trying to do what we can. There is no certainty in a musical idea, simply a desire to manifest something, as one feels it.” The intention of expressing that feeling led Lobel to compose “Verano en Buenos Aires”, which tells the beautiful story of how he lived his first tour of the country where he was born and became a musician and producer. The magical return to Argentina and the nostalgia of the “Summer in Buenos Aires”In 2022 came his first return to Argentina, with nostalgia like any person who arrives back in his country, but with an additional feeling, that he could get to experience the final of the World Cup in Qatar. He got the tickets beforehand, because he had a date at La Tangente and that’s how he arrived a day before the world final.” I lived the whole World Cup in Peru, with a lot of nerve, I was dying to get to Argentina and play the final, to watch it with my family and win the Cup, which we won. It was like wow, an incredible moment, a joy, happy people,” he recalled with a hint of nostalgia and joy at having the possibility of living that December 18 in Buenos Aires. Imagine that I don’t know, that we lost and then we did the date at La Tangente having lost the final, all depressed. It would have been horrible,” he speculated with a laugh. From that trip, Verano en Buenos Aires was born, which talks about his return home. “The joy of knowing that we have returned after so long. It was three years, I left in 2019 and returned in 2022, my first visit.” In the middle, a pandemic. “It’s time to come back to me, to get home,” sings Facundo, who is alreadyHe is in Buenos Aires ready to play at La Trastienda this Wednesday, July 3rd. There are still seats available through Tu Entrada.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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