The cross between Carmen Barbieri and Ricardo Canaletti: “Don’t answer me like that”

After rumors that Ricardo Canaletti had threatened to resign from the cycle hosted by Carmen Barbieri due to differences with his colleagues. The journalist decided to continue, but he continues to short-circuit with the topics and ways of approaching it that the magazine handles. This Tuesday, the cycle of The Thirteenth he received a visit from Facundo Moyano and there was a crossover, after the guest joked about an internal situation between the colleagues. “Are you rushing me like you rushed Majo the other day?” said Facundo to Canaletti. For her part, Carmen celebrated the comment and in amazement said: “Oh, how I love you! Are you attentive, do you watch the program?” However, and in order not to conflict with the columnist, the former National Deputy did not hesitate to apologize:It was in silence, I apologize because I am not willing to have a rhetorical dispute, or anything like that.”But Canaletti expressed: “I don’t know if I accept them, but hey, let’s talk about Loan,” Canaletti continued. And the host intervened: “He’s apologizing to you, don’t be so harsh. Facu is a polite man, our guest, don’t make me angry. Don’t answer like that because you’re making me angry and I love you.” The journalist also continued in his position and launched: “How ugly this program, very ugly (…) We are deviating, we are making tenement, I want to talk about Loan, will you let me?” Canaletti asked. While Carmen concluded: “It’s my program, I let you talk about whatever you want, but I have the obligation to mediate and that everything is fine,” she closed emphatically. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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