Javier Milei said goodbye to the athletes who will go to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

In the run-up to the Argentine athletes’ trip to France to be part of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, President Javier Milei led an event from the National Center for High Performance Sports (CeNARD) in which he said goodbye and wished them the best. During his speech, the libertarian stressed that “I want to congratulate all the high-performance athletes who are traveling to Paris for the Olympic event. It is an immense pride proportional to the size of the service they provide to the silver,” and that “everything they achieve will be the result of the work they do.” It is about showing the world who we are as Argentines, a creative and hardworking people, who strive for the excellence they demand of themselves, who know what it is to overcome adversity and embrace competition,” he added. In addition, he made it clear that each high-performance athlete “tomorrow will contribute to society in a rich and still unsuspected way, in a way that you still cannot imagine,” and confessed that “I never imagined being president.” After recalling his time in the goal of the lower categories of Chacarita, he wished success to each of the athletes and remarked that the fact of winning a medal “will not be by chance but by the sacrifice they have made and the effort they have put into perfecting and competing.” “Remember that victory in war does not depend on the number of soldiers but on the forces that come from heaven,” he concluded. Along with him were the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos; the Foreign Minister, Diana Mondino; the Secretary and Undersecretary of Sports, Tourism and Environment, Daniel Scioli and Julio Garro; the Secretary of Legal and Technical, Javier Herrera Bravo; the deputy chief of staff, José Rolandi, and the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni.

Original source in Spanish


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