Extreme cold throughout the country

The wave of intense cold covered the entire country today with extreme temperatures in much of the territory, while in the city of Buenos Aires the minimum temperature approached 0 degrees and in areas of the suburbs it fell below five degrees below zero. With light winds from the south and a totally clear sky, in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA) the weather responded to the orange alert for extreme cold that had been issued this Friday by the National Meteorological Service.In Greater Buenos Aires, in El Palomar, Morón district, the temperature dropped to 5.2 degrees below zero, while in Campo de Mayo it was almost -3.Se the cold wave is expected to extend at least until next Friday, with minimums of between two and three degrees, and maximums that will not exceed 12.From that day, in the AMBA area a relief is expected from the change in wind orientation, that will blow from the north. While in Junín it fell to six below zero and in Ezeiza to -2 degrees. On Saturday, the record for extreme cold was recorded in Gobernador Gregores, in Santa Cruz, with 12.4 degrees below zero, while in Río Gallegos, the thermal fell to -10.4 and the Andean area, in Uspallata, Mendoza, was -6.8.

Original source in Spanish


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