May Pact: what will the strong operation around the event be like?

Before the arrival of President Javier Milei, his almost complete Cabinet, 18 governors, deputies and national senators made provincial security had to be reinforced at the airport and throughout the capital of Tucumán. Hundreds of members of the federal forces and the Tucumán Police were integrated into the special security operation around the signing ceremony of the May Pact in the provincial Historic House. Although the security of the head of state is in charge of the Casa Militar team, local police officers and federal forces were dedicated to the custody of the rest of the special guests. Since the early hours of this Monday, the entrance to the Historic House was blocked, where only those who sign the agreement or have an invitation from the Gobierno.La arrival of the president in Tucumán will enter at night
According to the agenda, Milei’s arrival is scheduled around 9 p.m. at the Tucumán airport, where he will be formally received by the local governor, Osvaldo Jaldo, and a delegation. Then he will pass by a hotel in the center of San Miguel de Tucumán, until approximately 11 p.m., when he will head to the Historic House to begin the vigil. You may also be interested in: “Alberto Fernández rejected the invitation to the May Pact and said that Milei wants to ‘destroy the State from within'”The governors who will attend the May PactThrough a publication on social networks, presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni released the complete list and expressed his wishes that “God bless the Argentine Republic”. The 18 provincial governors who will sign the agreement with the national government are Raúl Jalil (Catamarca), Leandro Zdero (Chaco), Ignacio Torres (Chubut) and Martín Llaryora (Córdoba). Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes), Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos), Carlos Sadir (Jujuy), Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), Hugo Passalacqua (Misiones) and Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén) also appear. Alberto Weretilneck (Río Negro), Gustavo Sáenz (Salta), Marcelo Orrego (San Juan), Claudio Poggi (San Luis), Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe), Gerardo Zamora (Santiago del Estero) and Osvaldo Jaldo (Tucumán), in addition to the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Jorge Macri, will also sign their signatures.

Original source in Spanish


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