Milei signed the May Pact with 18 governors and spoke of a change of era

Tucumán received President Javier Milei with one of the coldest nights of the year to celebrate the 208th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, at the Historic House Museum. Along with 18 governors, the president also signed the “May Pact” several times postponed and referred to those absent. “There are many political, social and union leaders who are not here to sign this fundamental act; in some cases because their ideological blinders make them unaware of the root of Argentine failure, in other cases out of fear or shame of having persisted in error for so long. It is no coincidence that among the latter are those who try to boycott this government and conspire to make it fail,” Expressed. Under strict security, former presidents Mauricio Macri and Adolfo Rodríguez Saá, Luis Caputo (Economy), Mariano Cúneo Libarona (Justice), Sandra Pettovello (Human Capital), Mario Russo (Health), Luis Petri (Defense), Patricia Bullrich (Security) and Federico Sturzenegger (Deregulation and Transformation of the State) also attended the ceremony. One of the most emotional moments was when former senator Esteban Bullrich, who suffers from the neurodegenerative disease ALS, entered to take his place, and was applauded by all those present. The highlights of Javier Milei’s speech With an act broadcast on national television from the Historic House, Javier Milei signed the agreement with the provincial chiefs after the delays caused by the legislative debate of the Bases law and the fiscal package. Both measures were already promulgated in the Official Gazette.Among the most outstanding points, the president delved into the economic aspects of each of them. Both to criticize the current situation, and to anticipate what changes will be promoted. He also ratified the need to carry out a tax reform with a reduction in taxes, the commitment to fiscal balance, and called for a rediscussion of co-participation with the provinces. Regarding the labor reform, he asserted that it is necessary because “the current is harmful, because the world has changed.” The 10 points of the May Pact1-The inviolability of private property
2-The non-negotiable fiscal balance
3-The reduction of public spending to historic levels, around 25% of the Gross Domestic Product
4-A useful and modern initial, primary and secondary education, with full literacy and no school dropouts
5-A tax reform that reduces the tax burden, simplifies the lives of Argentines, promotes trade
6-The rediscussion of the federal co-participation of taxes to end forever the current extortion model suffered by the provinces
7-The commitment of the Argentine provinces to advance in the exploitation of the country’s natural resources
8-A modern labor reform that promotes formal work
9-A pension reform that gives sustainability to the system and respects those who contributed
10-The opening to international trade, so that Argentina can once again be a protagonist in the global market.

Original source in Spanish


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