The Government created a new body and moves forward with Argentina’s accession to the OECD

President Javier Milei declared the country’s accession to the OECD to be of “National Interest” and created an “Interministerial Coordination Commission”, which will be made up of the Foreign Minister herself, Luis Caputo, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, Mario Russo, Sandra Pettovello and Karina Milei.La decision officially began on May 2 by Diana Mondino and was made official with the incorporation of decree 591/2024. which designates the head of the Secretariat of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship as focal point and high representative of the Argentine Republic for the OECD accession process. The process to formally integrate the OECD can take several years and includes an evaluation by more than 20 technical committees on a series of standards, mainly economic, and the possibility of “changes in legislation, policies and practices”. Among its tasks, the commission will be in charge of preparing an initial memorandum that reveals the status of compliance with these standards, proposing and supervising the necessary actions to make the membership effective, all those actions that are necessary for the accession process. Since its creation, the OECD has incorporated 18 nations into its network and so far only four are from Latin America: Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Costa Rica.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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