AMLO defends unified election for judges and magistrates in Judicial Reform –

Mexico. – President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) reaffirmed this Thursday during his morning conference, “La Mañanera”, his position on the election of judges, magistrates and ministers of the Judiciary. If his reform proposal is approved, the selection could be made in a single process. When asked if it would be more prudent to carry out the election gradually, the president said that “it is a matter of criteria” due to the high number of participants for each position. However, he explained that it is possible to elect everyone in the same election if it is done in a district manner. Everyone can be elected in the same election, with time to inform. It is done by district, there are fewer who are going to be elected. In the case of ministers there are 11, it is in judges and magistrates where there are more, but it can also be done in a district way,” López Obrador said from the National Palace.The president also stressed the urgency of a reform in the Judiciary, where he considers that there is “a crisis of governability and judicial control”, overcome by the current social and political situation of the country. Thus, López Obrador continues to defend the controversial constitutional reform proposed by his administration, as part of a package of initiatives that is expected to be sent to Congress. This, once Morena and its allies validate their qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies, obtained after the elections of June 2. Likewise, Claudia Sheinbaum, the president-elect, is expected to promote these proposals once she assumes the title of the Executive Branch. How do you deal with a decadence? Well, with a process of true change, a root change that can only be made by the people through a democratic process,” the president concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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