Police shoot a player during a soccer game in Brazil – MonitorExpresso.com

Brazil. – Soccer in Brazil was once again the scene of controversy, this time an episode of violence, after during a match a policeman shot a soccer player in the leg, who had emergency treatment. The event occurred at the end of the game on date 12 of the Goiano Championship between Gremio Esportivo Anápolis and Centro Oeste, a match that was played at the Jonás Duarte Stadium and ended with an altercation. Upon noticing what was happening on the field, a security agent approached the conflict zone with a gun in his hand, which he did not hesitate to use to try to disperse the people; however, he ended up wounding Ramón Souza, Gremio’s goalkeeper.A video of the exact moment in which the policeman fired the shot at the footballer, who ended up with a wound to the leg that was caused by a rubber bullet, is circulating on networks. The Grêmio Anápolis goalkeeper and a very particular injury: he was shot by a policeman.#FútbolBrasilero pic.twitter.com/ZCle9bOjI4— En Una Baldosa (@enunabaldosa) July 11, 2024Gremio Anápolis said on its social networks that it repudiated what happened to its goalkeeper, in addition to “taking the appropriate measures, so that the person responsible is punished and justice is done.”

Original source in Spanish


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