Maju Lozano will be the new host of “Cocineros Argentinos”

With great expectation a few days ago, Ángel de Brito announced the return of “Cocineros Argentinos”, which after 16 seasons had its end on public television. Now, the gastronomic cycle that knew how to travel from end to end of the country will return under the leadership of Maju Lozano and on the screen of América Tv. In this new stage, the program that has planned its debut for the second half of July, will have changes in its staff that will be confirmed as the days go by. It is also speculated that the cycle will go every noon, after American Breakfast and before Intruders, which cover the time slot from 10:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. From Intrusos, Maju was happy with the new challenge and expressed: “I’m excited, happy. It’s a beautiful program. Fan of Cocineros. To be the host now is to touch the sky with the saucepan.” A few days ago, the executive producer and artistic director of Kapow, Rubén Vivero, in dialogue with La Nación, acknowledged that they were finalizing details and affirmed that everything is on track.“One thing chains the other, but surely there will be guest chefs who will be part of the staff and will only have one fixed day. Cooks are the rockstars of these times, so it’s not easy to engage them every day. We can say that Fernando Trocca, Pamela Villar and we also invited Chantal Abad, who was the host of the cycle. The idea is to give more glamour to the team”Assured. In addition, Vivero announced that the program will retain its classic format, with recipes and services, and there will also be new sections updated to the current times, such as price comparison to be able to save, health care, meal plan and chef competitions.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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