Forceful claim of the countries using the Waterway to the Argentine government

More than three years after the beginning of the conflict, a new chapter has begun in which the user countries of the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway have asked the Argentine government for urgent definitions regarding the management of the signaling and dredging of the canal. This request includes the discussion on the unilateral toll implemented by Argentina, of which the countries have provisionally agreed to pay 70% until a cost is established according to a service effectively provided in the “Port of Santa Fe – Confluence” section. The Permanent Commission on Transport of the La Plata Basin (CPTCP), made up of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, expressed its willingness to present a proposal to have a waterway management service through a digital platform. This system, according to the CPTCP, would improve navigation in the section that connects Santa Fe and the confluence of the Paraná and Paraguay rivers, providing safety, efficiency and reliability to the waterway, with potential savings for the burdens on the costs of managing the system. In a statement, the CPTCP said it is willing to collaborate by providing all the technical information necessary to improve navigability in the Paraguay-Paraná Waterway and hopes to reach agreements with the Argentine authorities for the effective implementation of this river management system. This call and proposal reflect the shared concern of the user countries to optimize the management and operation of one of the most important waterways in the region, essential for trade and regional integration.

Original source in Spanish


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