337 shelters ready for the rainy season in Michoacán: PC – MonitorExpresso.com

Morelia, Michoacán.- In view of the 2024 rainy season and tropical cyclones, Michoacán has 337 temporary shelters distributed in various municipalities to provide timely attention in case of contingency, they reported in a statement. This was reported by the state coordinator of Civil Protection, Amuravi Ramírez Cisneros, who pointed out that the Government of Michoacán, together with federal and municipal authorities, has the spaces ready to serve the population if required. These shelters can house approximately 97,341 people, offering basic services such as food, mats, blankets, water and medicines, in case of any eventuality,” he said. The shelters are managed and operated by various municipal, state and federal agencies, ensuring an efficient distribution of resources and necessary support.” We are ready to face any incident and to be able to act with opportunity, always the best way to avoid a tragedy is prevention,” he added. To check the location of the temporary shelters, the https://siir.michoacan.gob.mx.Protección Civil platform reiterates the emergency number 911 in order to attend to any event with opportunity.

Original source in Spanish


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