Bullrich tried to distance himself from the visit of the libertarian deputies to repressors: “Each one must take charge”

After the visit of five legislators from La Libertad Avanza to a group of repressors of the last civic-military dictatorship, among which was Alfredo Astiz, convicted of crimes against humanity, from different spheres the Government tried to distance itself from that act due to the political cost it could generate for them, the presidential spokesman indicated that it was “a personal agenda.” Now, Patricia Bullrich followed that same line and added that “everyone must take charge.” It was a personal decision, everyone must take charge of what they do and that is freedom,” said the Minister of Security to Radio Rivadavia. “It seems to me that what we are experiencing is a construction of freedom and if there is someone who considers that they have to go see a detainee, because they consider that he was part of a tragic moment in Argentina, they can go see him,” he added. The meeting was held last Thursday, July 11 and was organized by the Entre Ríos deputy Beltrán Benedit. The visit was also attended by national deputies Lourdes Arrieta, Alida Ferreyra, Guillermo Montenegro and María Fernanda Araujo, who were with the repressors among whom were also Raúl Guglielminetti, Adolfo Donda, Antonio Pernías, Gerardo Arráez, Martínez Ruíz, Agustín Oyarzábal Navarro, among others. Judge Alejandro Slokar asked him for details of what happened, something that generated discomfort in the portfolio led by Bullrich: “The deputies ask to enter the prison all the time. When they asked to go see Lázaro Báez or (Julio) De Vido, who were convicted, they didn’t ask why.” And he added: “I am surprised that a judge asks me about that and not when human rights groups enter to see serial killers. Let’s measure with the same yardstick for everyone.” Although on this last point, there is no material to support it. President Javier Milei also tried to distance himself from the visit of the deputies of the Libertad Avanza to repressors: “It is their will, I would not have done it,” said the president. Liberals are not a herd. I don’t manage people by remote control,” Milei continued in dialogue with the streaming channel Neura. The visit of the legislators to genocide and repressors of the last military dictatorship generated a political scandal and the government tried to detach itself quickly. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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