Racing renewed its aspirations to fight for the title by beating Godoy Cruz de Mendoza 3-0 at home, in a match valid for the sixth date of the Professional League, played this afternoon in Avellaneda.The goals were scored by Adrián Martínez and the Colombian Johan Carbonero, in the first half, while Gabriel Rojas increased in the second half. Thanks to this victory, Racing was in second place, one point behind Huracán, for now the only leader, although Talleres de Córdoba and Unión de Santa Fe can overtake it. Quickly, 11 minutes into the first half, Carbonero assisted “Maravilla” Martínez who scored with his left foot in front of goalkeeper Petroli. A few minutes later, the Colombian stretched the lead after getting rid of the rival defense and scoring with his left. In the second half, Carbonero and midfielder Gastón Martinera had a great connection of passes that was materialized with an assist to Gabriel Rojas to seal the rout at the Cylinder.Throughout the second half, the Academy was superior to the Mendoza team and was close to extending its lead. The Avellaneda team managed to add its fourth victory at home, while Godoy Cruz is still without a win in the championship.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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