AMLO and Sheinbaum demand respect for Mexico in international relations –

Mexico. – In a recent meeting with the media, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who is emerging as his successor, stressed the importance of other governments maintaining an attitude of respect towards Mexico. “We do not want to be anyone’s colony again,” said the president, while Sheinbaum stressed that he will seek to maintain cordial relations with the future president of the United States, whoever he may be. These statements came shortly before Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race in the United States.In an interview prior to his last joint act with AMLO on his tour, Sheinbaum emphasized that there is no conflict with the United States, but insisted on the need to demand respect for Mexico and its government team. We will always respect the decision of the people of the United States. With whomever they choose, we are going to work well and together. But it is essential that they treat us and our country with respect,” Sheinbaum added.When asked about the references that Donald Trump, the Republican candidate, makes to Mexico in his speeches, Sheinbaum mentioned that Trump recently spoke favorably of the trade agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada. However, he stressed: “We are going to ask for respect for Mexico, always. But we’re going to get along.” During her arrival at the Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez Sports Unit, where an evaluation of welfare pensions was carried out, Sheinbaum reiterated from the van in which she was traveling with López Obrador: “We have to always defend our team and Mexico.” The president, on that occasion, did not issue statements and concentrated on attending to his supporters, taking photos and listening to their requests. Later, in a speech before hundreds of people who gave him a standing ovation, the president stressed: “We will always have good relations with all the peoples and governments of the world, but they will respect us. Just as we respect other governments, peoples and nations, they will continue to respect Mexico. We want to continue to be a free, independent and sovereign country. That is our beloved Mexico.”

Original source in Spanish


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