Gerardo Werthein was elected as vice president of the International Olympic Committee

At the 142nd session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), held in Paris, Gerardo Werthein, former president of the Argentine Olympic Committee (COA), was elected as the new vice president of the IOC. He received 78 votes in favor and 11 against to occupy one of the two available places in the vice presidency. In March 2025, the current president of the IOC, Thomas Bach, will leave his position and there will be elections for his succession, which makes Werthein’s new role in the entity relevant. In addition, the next Olympic event will be in Los Angeles 2028, where Werthein, as Ambassador to the United States, will be able to closely follow the evolution of the work. Werthein began his term as president of the COA in 2009 and completed it in 2021, when he left his place to Mario Moccia. Then, he has been at the IOC since 2011, where he served as head of the Digital and Technology Commission. During her tenure, the Youth Olympic Games were organized in Buenos Aires 2018 and the Argentine delegation had an outstanding performance at the Lima 2019 Pan American Games.Paula Pareto was also elected as an individual member of the IOC, after receiving 77 positive votes and seven negative votes out of the 86 available. The historic judoka, representative of the athletes before the COA board of directors, appeared together with Aya Medany from Egypt, Sarah Walker from New Zealand and Sir Hugh Robertson from Great Britain.Pareto is recognized as the best Argentine judoka in history and one of the legends of the national sport. In his career, he won a gold medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics and a bronze medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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