Loan Case: Casanello declares himself incompetent in the complaint against the governor of Corrientes

In the last few hours, Federal Judge Sebastián Casanello declared himself incompetent to investigate the complaint filed by prosecutor Guillermo Marijuán against the governor of Corrientes, Gustavo Valdés, for alleged cover-up in the framework of the disappearance of the child Loan Peña.De this way, the case will be dealt with in the Federal Court of Goya instead of the courts of Comodoro Py due to a question of jurisdiction. Prosecutor Marijuán had denounced Valdés for alleged cover-up, abuse of authority and breach of the duties of a public official and the case had been assigned by lot to the head of Federal Criminal and Correctional Court No. 7, Sebastián Casanello.La accusation also included Corrientes Senator Diego Pellegrini, the former Minister of Security of the province Buenaventura Duarte, his successor Alfredo Vallejos, and the lawyer José Fernández Codazzi, among others. Governor Valdés had generated controversy weeks ago by anticipating on his social networks that the aunt of the missing child, Laudelina Peña, had denounced threats by María Victoria Caillava and Carlos Pérez, who according to her had run over Loan.After the news broke, José Peña, Loan’s father, spoke with Noticias Argentinas and said: “It’s great news. I couldn’t believe it.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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