Santiago, the Michoacan boy who won the world mental calculation championship –

Morelia, Michoacán.- The State Secretariat of Education (SEE) highlights the effort of Santiago Castro, an 11-year-old student from Michoacán who won the ALOHA World Mental Calculation Championship, in Madrid, Spain, by solving 70 arithmetic operations in five minutes, using the traditional Japanese abacus, as reported in a statement. It gives us great pride to see that more and more children and young people are raising the name of Michoacán and Mexico internationally. We have great minds in the classrooms and our duty is to add so that they reach their maximum development,” said the Secretary of Education, Gabriela Molina Aguilar.Santiago, of Sinaloa origin, but based in Michoacán, was preparing for about a year and attended the event accompanied by his mother and father, his teacher María Primavera Carranza and three other Michoacan students. who competed with almost 600 students from 40 countries around the world. The ALOHA mental calculation program began in 1993 in Malaysia in 1993, and helps children between five and 13 years old to perform calculation exercises through game dynamics, which enhances their ability to concentrate, photographic memory and creativity.

Original source in Spanish


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