Historic scandal at the Olympic Games: Argentina’s defeat in the debut against Morocco

The Argentina U23 National Team lost in its debut at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games to Morocco after a scandal generated by incidents in the stands and refereeing decisions, which resumed the match an hour and a half after its end to annul the Argentine tie and play three additional minutes. After an erratic start, in which they were losing 2-0, Javier Mascherano’s team managed to equalize with goals from Simeone and Medina. However, the match was suspended due to disturbances in the stands, and until that moment it was believed that the tie was official. Despite the fact that the match was expected to end evenly, the Swedish referee decided to resume the game more than an hour after the suspension and, in front of an empty stadium, annulled the goal scored by Boca’s footballer, Cristian Medina.De this way, only three minutes were played in which Morocco resisted and Argentina tried again to achieve the equalizer, but when they failed to do so, the match ended in defeat. Now the Argentine players will have to wait for the next match they play in Group B, which will be on Saturday, July 27 against Iraq, to score points and have a chance of qualifying.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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