López Murphy announced the death of his daughter: the condolences of politics and the statement of Pichetto’s bloc

In the last few hours, the daughter of the national deputy of Hacemos Coalición Federal, Ricardo López Murphy, died after going through a serious illness. The news was reported by the legislator himself through his social networks. With great sorrow I communicate the death of my beloved daughter Analía Elena López Murphy,” the economist wrote on his X account. During a television interview at the end of 2022, he had said that he had “a sick family member in very delicate terms”. Various personalities of national politics responded to the publication with messages of support. One of them was Patricia Bullrich, who expressed her “deepest condolences” and added that “I understand the deep pain that you, your wife, her brothers, husband and grandchildren are going through.” In addition, the head of the Buenos Aires government, Jorge Macri, also sent him “a big hug”, as well as legislators Hernán Lombardi, Cristian Ritondo, José Luis Espert, Julio Cobos and Juan Manuel López. The same was done by PRO deputies, who expressed their “solidarity” in the face of the “irreparable loss of their daughter” and, from Union for the Homeland, Victoria Tolosa Paz, Itai Hagman and Leandro Santoro joined.The request of Hacemos Coalición Federal to Milei after the death of López Murphy’s daughterThrough a statement published by the bloc led by Miguel Pichetto, it was stated that “we accompany our bloc colleague, Deputy Ricardo López Murphy, and his family in this hard time that they have to go through in the face of the loss of their daughter Analía.” We want to highlight Ricardo’s unwavering commitment to the country and to his work as a deputy. In the last month, despite being in the United States accompanying his daughter during her long illness, he returned especially to Argentina to vote on the Bases law. And this, despite the constant and unjust aggressions suffered by President Javier Milei,” he added. And he closed by stating that “we hope that the President shows empathy and respect, and asks for the public apologies that Ricardo deserves. We also urge you once again to stop disqualifying those who think differently and express themselves with respect.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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