The first olive ridley turtles of the season are born on Michoacan beaches –

Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán.- The first 50 olive ridley turtles of the 2024-2025 season were released into the sea to continue with their natural life cycle, reported the Ministry of Tourism of Michoacán (Sectur), an agency headed by Roberto Monroy García.These hatchlings of the first olive ridley turtle that arrived on May 30, were cared for in the nests of El Habillal, in Lázaro Cárdenas, where the sea turtles have arrived to lay their eggs and deposit their eggs that have been guarded by personnel from the camp itself.” This nest that was released, was recovered on May 30, it was not the usual 45 days of incubation because we had them under shade. They were born on July 22 at four in the morning and were released that same day at seven,” said Alonso Ramírez Galeana, president of the turtle camp El Habillal, A.C. From the following weeks, more hatchlings will begin to be born that have been recovered and sheltered in the turtle camps since June. Ramírez Galeana recalled that the interested population can sponsor a nest with a recovery fee, an amount with which the camp will be supported in its functions. “During the 45 days we will be taking care of the godparents’ nest and once they are going to hatch, we let them know if they can come in person, if not, we send them photos and videos of the turtles that helped to be born,” he explained. The recommendation that the El Habillal turtle camp gives to the population is not to mistreat the turtles. “From September onwards you can visit us and live the experience of liberation, you can find us on our social networks with the name of our camp,” concluded Ramírez Galeana.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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