Newell’s bar leaders arrested for threats against Ángel Di María

In a joint operation in the western area of Rosario, the Police arrested the two leaders of the dissident faction of the Newell’s bar for threatening the soccer player Ángel Di María. The operation included raids on seven homes, resulting in the confiscation of vehicles, mobile phones, clothing and a significant sum of money. Prosecutor Pablo Socca, in charge of the investigation, ordered the raids on properties in Rosario and Piñero, during which 18.5 million pesos and eight cell phones were seized. In one of the raids, Marcelo “Coto” Rubattino, another member of the bar, was also arrested and an additional 2.5 million pesos were confiscated along with three mobile phones. The arrest of Alejandro “Rengo” Ficadenti and Sergio “Bebe” Di Vanni occurred when both were about to get into a car at 5300 Seguí. The operation was carried out by the Intelligence Division of the Investigative Police with the support of the Special Operations Troop.This capture is part of a broader investigation aimed at dismantling criminal groups linked to the barras bravas in Argentina. During the process, Pablo Ezequiel Acotto and Sara Belén Gutiérrez were charged, who on April 3 would have left an intimidating note at the door of the Funes Hills Miraflores country club and fired shots in the air. According to the hearing, both received four million pesos for these acts, allegedly following orders from “Rengo” and “Bebe”.

Original source in Spanish


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