The pipeline of the Atapaneo plant has already been completed: CEAC –

Morelia, Michoacán.- Through a statement, the head of the State Commission of Water and Watershed Management (CEAC), Roberto Arias Reyes, said that the State Government invested 200 million pesos in the pipeline, a work that has already been completed 100 percent and will carry water from the Atapaneo wastewater treatment plant. He also considered that it does not make sense for the water to be treated in the plant and later sent to the Rio Grande de Morelia where it is again contaminated, which is used by agricultural producers in the municipalities of Morelia, Queréndaro, Álvaro Obregón, Tarímbaro and Zinapécuaro.La conduction line is a complementary work to the treatment plant. which has two pipes of 19 kilometers each, with a diameter of 30 inches to conduct an expenditure of 400 liters per second that generate an annual volume of 25.2 million cubic meters, with which there will be a yield of 98 percent of the liquid used for irrigation. Arias Reyes pointed out that this work is of utmost importance because it is part of the actions carried out by the State Government as part of a comprehensive public policy to combat drought through the reuse of water intended for irrigation, based on a concession issued by the National Water Commission (Conagua). He said that the treated flow will be sent to 14,600 hectares and will benefit 3,900 users of the irrigation modules, a situation that would contribute to the recovery of the Lake Cuitzeo basin. This will represent a saving for the Cointzio dam, and will be a great benefit for the population of Morelia, which will have a greater amount of drinking water for domestic use. emphasized the head of the CEAC.

Original source in Spanish


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