Loan case: the driver who took Laudelina and the deputy mayor of 9 de Julio testify

The driver of the vehicle in which Laudelina Peña, aunt of Loan Danilo Peña, was transferred to testify on a Saturday at dawn in the provincial court when the case was already in the Federal jurisdiction, Agustín Ibarra, and the deputy mayor of the town of 9 de Julio in Corrientes, Luis Alberto González, will give their testimony tomorrow before Judge Cristina Pozzer Penzo. but finally it was found that it was Ibarra.The now cited driver drove the car that would be owned by provincial senator Diego Pellegrini, in which Loan’s aunt and lawyer José Fernández Codazzi were traveling, according to Laudelina Peña herself declared, in the framework of the case for the disappearance of the 5-year-old child, whose search has already been going on for 45 days. Inside the vehicle, there would have been a threat against her to testify about an alleged accidental homicide of the minor, after being run over by former naval captain Carlos Pérez and former municipal official María Victoria Caillava.That same day the judge summoned the deputy mayor of 9 de Julio to testify on the issue of the finding of footprints of the missing child in the field, where the loot was later found. In the last few hours it was learned that the magistrate ordered the release of the former policeman and “informant” of Commissioner Walter Maciel Francisco Amado Méndez, who had been arrested on certain suspicions on Wednesday, July 17. The Federal Court of Goya reported that it had no evidence to suspect or presume any participation of Méndez in the alleged crime of “abduction and concealment” of the minor and was ruled lacking merit. In any case, he will continue to be linked to the case and will be available for any subsequent requirement. Therefore, there are now seven detainees in preventive detention: Laudelina Peña, Loan’s aunt; Commissioner Maciel (former head of the 9 de Julio police station); former marine Carlos Pérez and his spouse, former municipal official María Victoria Caillava; Antonio Benítez, Laudelina’s spouse and the boy’s uncle-in-law; and the couple composed of Mónica Millapi and Daniel “Fierrito” Ramírez, both friends of Benítez.

Original source in Spanish


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