translated from Spanish: Sharp defends himself and ensures that his management came to save the Municipality of Valparaiso from the disaster left by the UDI

The mayor of Valparaiso, Jorge Sharp, faced criticism and defended his management of the commune. The building stated that in its period the Municipality has made great strides.
“Our management came to save the Municipality of Valparaiso from the disaster left by the UDI in an 8-year management,” he said during THE National State of TVN program.
Sharp added that “the latest control report, they point out that the municipal deficit has been reduced by 10 billion.”
“We have been able to drive a transparent, legitimate, efficient management model (…) just doing things right,” he added. However, he recognized an economic strategy problem, which they are working on to solve.
“I think the problem is more fundamental, I think Valparaiso’s economic strategy failed,” he said, pointing out that “we need a new strategy.”
Despite his claim, the edil pointed to three major reasons that explain what is happening in his commune. “We have to face three things: the abandonment of the state to Valparaiso, the neoliberal orthodoxy that has been applied in Valparaiso and the lack of territorial leadership.”
Sharp further explained that the arrival of cruises to Valparaiso has been reduced by “issues that are not linked to our management”. From this point, he noted that it is due “to a conflict linked to so-called clean cargoes that is a conflict between the port company and the two concessionaires and the port workers in 2017” and regretted that it was “not anticipated by the government authorities” .

Original source in Spanish

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