translated from Spanish: An Argentine teenager was electrocuted in Punta Cana

“I’m saying good-bye,” those were the words Melina Caputo wrote on her social media to end her Caribbean vacation. On Friday the teenage girl was about to return to the province where she lives with her family, when she stepped on a wire that ended her life.

The Teen’s Instagram Stories

Although it happened at the weekends, the news broke through the last few hours. As the local media, the 17-year-old was in Punta Cana, in the company of her grandmother when she left the pool, and stepped on a cable that caused an electric shock. It is not known whether Melina was on any stop or at the hotel when the unfortunate episode happened.

Melina Caputo, a 17-year-old who died in the Caribbean Photo: Instagram

The teenager was in her senior year of school school. Upon learning of the unfortunate event, her companions fired her by poignant posts on her social media, with photos of shared moments. One of those who expressed his pain was Niko, Melina’s best friend, who mourned his loss with a succession of images with the young woman. “I never imagined and I was going to lose you so soon,” he said, as well as a teenager.

The Farewell of Your Best Friend Photo: Instagram @nfwrp

“You taught me a lot of things, but the most important thing was that you taught me to love and what it feels like to be loved. I can’t have the words to say thank you for becoming the person I am today. I also want to ask your forgiveness for all the times I fought you and I was mean to you, you are and you will always be the joy of this world. All that’s left is to see you in my dreams where I know you’re always going to be,” he said.

Original source in Spanish

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