translated from Spanish: MPs say they seek to improve efficiency in public services

Morelia, Michoacán.- In view of the various problems that concern the Michoacan municipalities and therefore their inhabitants, the Members of the Committees of Programming, Budget and Public Account and Finance and Debt Public, met with the Manager of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) Centro Occidente Division, Luis Felipe Chávez, as well as with Germán Tena, holder of the State Water and Watershed Management Commission, as reported in a statement.
In this way, the norberto deputies Antonio Martínez Soto, Arturo Hernández Vázquez, Adriana Hernández Inigoz, Wilma Zavala Ramírez, Hugo Anaya Avila, Octavio Ocampo Córdova and Baltazar Gaona García, met at first with Luis Felipe Chávez, who exposed the difficult billing and collection situation faced by the Michoacan lobby, thus generating inadequacies and laggards in providing the street lighting service.
In this regard, Mr Norberto Martínez, chairman of the Committee on Programming, Budget and Public Account, pointed out the difficulties faced by the municipalities in economic matters, especially as they were made impossible, for the most part, to cover the all of the charges that CFE makes for the service, in addition to the large number of luminaires that do not serve and for which they are charged.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the Finance and Public Debt Commission, Deputy Arturo Hernández, recognized the interest of the Legislative Power to find mechanisms that improve the quality and efficiency of public services, as well as contribute to the municipalities sufficient material and economic resources to fully meet the needs of the population.
In a second moment, the head of the State Water and Watershed Management Commission, Germán Tena Fernández, who explained to the legislators that most of the municipalities of the entity, face serious problems as a lack of sources of supply, physical loss of water, opposition of users to the payment of services, as well as obsolete hydraulic and sanitary infrastructure, among others.
Therefore, the Members of both committees asked to raise awareness of the importance of rationing the use of the liquid vital, in addition to asking the municipalities to seek to increase the user base and not to charge taxes only on citizens who they do comply.
Finally, as part of the work of both committees, the income laws for the 2019 fiscal year of the municipalities of Chilchota, Chucándiro, Tuzantla, Churintzio, Contepec, Coahuayana, Cotija, Cuitzeo, Epitacio Huerta, Erongaricuaro, Ixtlán, Jiménez, Madero, Jungapeo, Los Reyes, Numarán, Panindícuaro, Queréndaro, Quiroga, Sahuayo, Santa Ana Maya, Senguio, Tangamandapio, Tumbiscatío and Yurécuaro.

Original source in Spanish

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